Twenty Easy Ways to Raise a Pharisee: An Introduction

Twenty Easy Ways to Raise a Pharisee: Tilting Our (and Our Kids’) Hearts Toward Grace, Joy & Freedom

We need the Pharisees. 

This is not primarily a “parenting” series (despite understandable appearances), but:

Our kids need the Pharisees. 

The Pharisees are a cautionary tale of the highest order. They shout to us that we can be (and raise) attractive, orthodox, respectful, religious, high-performance citizens, with hands raised high in worship—who are very comfortable in our own perceived standing with God, while we stand outside the Father's house, knowing nothing of the joy, rest, feast, and calm humility of lingering in the Father's true love and grace.

They also remind us that a religious culture not captivated by grace, not honest and humble in its questions, and not deeply committed to the freedom of the Gospel of Christ is fertile ground not just for dangerous religion but also for disillusioned rebellion. These two are different fruits of the same Pharisaical root.

More on that later this week, here at the blog.


According to some research a majority of American teens and young adults on social media still list their religion as "Christian." Not a few include the Bible in their list of favorite books.

It is safe to say that the Jerusalem network of Facebook—circa: 1st century—would have been full of youngsters listing “Judaism” as their religion and the Torah as one of their favorite books.

What's more, those raised in the tradition of the Pharisees were the descendants of an honorable and rich heritage. 

Their Pharisee fore-fathers had taken an extraordinary stand for truth and led the way through a "protestant reformation”of sorts—recovering sound, Biblical theology, a passion for God's Word, and the hope of eternal life. 

These were the folks who called people to a personal relationship with God, promoted spiritual disciplines, sounded off on "traditional family values," and were more active in community care and mercy than any other group of their day. 

First century historians suggest that the Pharisees received the broad support and goodwill of most of the common people, apparently in contrast to the more elite Sadducees, who were the religious upper class. In general, the Sadducees were aristocratic monarchists and the Pharisees were more diverse, popular, and democratic.

The label "Pharisee" (meaning “separated”) was originally a mocking title (like "Puritan") applied by their opponents to highlight their fearless passion for what they believed was good and right.

Through the decades—leading up to the times of Jesus—the Pharisees undeniably experienced spiritual stagnation, became institutionalized and in-grown, and then (always perilous) achieved power and influence. Their theology (even in fine details) was increasingly inflexible and their instructions for living (to defend against worldliness) were expanded to cover all areas of life and carry the weight of Scripture itself. Any of this sound familiar?

They were (truly…not just in their own minds) the defenders of "righteousness," the stewards of God's revelation, devoted worshippers, and the diligent citizens of their communities.

Like the Elder Son in the Savior's Parable of the Prodigal Sons, a young Pharisee would have made a very appealing husband for your young daughter—disciplined, hardworking, church-going, spiritually studious, up-standing and (according to Jesus) alienated from from the hope and joy of the Father of grace.

The Pharisees are a gift to 21st century Christian families. When we scowl and frown and roll our eyes at the Pharisees of the Gospels, we scowl and frown and roll our eyes at people very much like us. The Pharisees’ sandals are the ones that we should pull on our own feet, if we wish listen to the message of Jesus as it would have come to us—the current religious, institutional stewards of sound doctrine, righteous behavior, biblical authority, and family values.

Forget the Sunday School coloring page, sinister caricature. These folks were “good” people and they are priceless to us because they are a generational tale—a chronicle of handing off a deeply held faith from generation to generation, while its faithful roots and grateful heart toward God can drift further and further into the past.

This Introduction begins an (obviously) ironically-angled blog series, entitled "Twenty Easy Ways to Raise a Pharisee." The ironic twist highlights effectively some of the piercing discoveries that this topic can offer to our vision for faith and life.

If you do not have children, please stay here with us. The tragedy of misrepresenting the grace and heart of God, has obvious, huge implications for how we instruct and envision the next generation, but this is not a parenting series. It is a series on grace-rooted, joy-shaped, self-righteousness suffocating life and relationships. 

To this end, the Pharisees and the Parable of the Prodigal Sons are gifts of immeasurable value.

To help make the best sense of the posts to follow, I will be weaving in additional posts and resources to help us all understand the remarkable identity, relevance, and helpfulness of the Pharisees and the Prodigal Sons parable (that was to the Pharisees).

I also would eagerly invite you to subscribe to Season Two of our No Mere Mortals Podcast. Lisa and I are sharing conversations there in the coming months—starting this week!—that will explore the hope and vision of relationships and home-life that are rooted in grace and shaped by joy. 

The podcast season and this blog series are intentional companions, and we would be very happy if you enjoyed them together and tracked along with us!

I trust you will enjoy these coming posts with me. It is my hope that they will stimulate thought, grow eager faith, animate your love for Christ, and sometimes make you smile and take a deep, restful breath (essential ingredients in a redeeming experience of the grace and goodness of God).

Stay updated on all these happenings on Instagram at

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[Read “Easy Way” Number 1 tomorrow, in anticipation of Monday’s opening episode of Season 2 at the No Mere Mortals Podcast!]